Labels:text | screenshot | black and white | font OCR: Help File echo [accept Irefuse] Display or set the flag controlling client Telnet's response to a remote WILL ECHO offer. The Telnet presentation protocol specifies that in the absence of negotiated agreement to the contrary, neither end echoes data received from the other. In this mode, a Telnet client session echoes keyboard input locally and nothing is actually sent until a carriage return is typed. Local line editing is also performed : backspace deletes the last character typed, while control-U deletes the entire line. When communicating from keyboard to keyboard the standard local echo mode is used, so the setting of this parameter has no effect. However, many timesharing systems (eg. UNIX) prefer to do their own echoing of typed input. (This makes screen editors work right, among other things). Such systems send a Telnet WILL ECHO offer immediately upon receiving an incoming Telnet comec- tion request. If echo accept is in effect, a client Telnet ses- sion will automatically return a DO ECHO response. In this mode, local echoing and editing is turned off and each key stroke is sent immediately (subject to the Nagle tinygram algorithm in TCP). While this mode is just fine across an Ethernet, it Lis clearly inefficient and painful across slow paths like packet radio channels. Specifying echo refuse causes an incoming WILL ECHO offer to be answered with a DONT ECHO; the client Telnet session remains in the local echo mode. Sessions already in the remote echo mode are unaffected. (Note: Berkeley Unix has a bug in that it will still echo input even after the client has Refused the WILL ECHO offer. To get around this problem, enter the stty -echo command to the shell once you have logged in. )